Davi Millsaps annuncia il suo ritiro

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Dopo una carriera durata 14 anni, Davi Millasaps ha annunciato oggi il suo ritiro ufficiale da pilota professionista.

La decisione è stata presa dal pilota, sotto stretto consiglio del suo neurologo, a seguito del grave infortunio alla testa che il pilota ha subito nel mese di Ottobre mentre si preparava per quella che comunque sarebbe stata la sua ultima stagione di Supercross Motocross. Non il miglior modo di concludere una così lunga carriera sicuramente, come anche il pilota ha affermato nel suo messaggio, ma il rischio di danni permanenti o ancora peggio di perdere la vita a seguito di un’altro possibile trauma alla testa, hanno fatto desistere il pilota dal tornare in sella.

Di seguito il testo del suo messaggio: 

“Dopo 14 anni da pilota professionista di Supercross e Motocross, oggi annuncio il mio ritiro dalle corse. Ovviamente, questa non è stata una decisione facile da prendere per me. Prima dello schianto che ho avutp in ottobre, mi sentivo benissimo mentre ero in moto, e non vedevo l’ora che arrivasse l’incredibile stagione 2018 con la mia squadra Monster Energy / Knich / Yamaha Factory Racing. Tutto stava andando perfettamente al suo posto: il mio allenamento, la mia forma fisica e la moto. Avevo grandi aspettative per la stagione Supercross 2018. Poi, l’imprevisto è successo e la vita è cambiata così velocemente. Sono stato mandato in terapia intensiva con una grave commozione cerebrale, sanguinando dentro e attorno al mio cervello, e con un gomito in frantumi, insieme a essere contuso e acciaccato praticamente dappertutto. Dopo mesi di recupero e consultazioni con la mia neurologa e famiglia, siamo arrivati ​​alla difficile decisione che fosse giunto il momento di ritirarmi dalle corse.

Lo dico con grande tristezza, e questo non è sicuramente il modo in cui volevo concludere la mia carriera. Ma la salute è una priorità. Quando il dottore mi ha detto che non poteva darmi l’ok a tornare in moto a causa del rischio che un altro impatto sulla mia testa potesse alterare la mia vita, per non parlare di una minaccia per la vita, per me è stata una notizia abbastanza dura da accettare. La realtà della pensione era molto difficile da affrontare. Fa emergere un sacco di emozioni contrastanti. Mi rattrista molto dover lasciare in questo modo. Ho dato così tanto della mia vita a questo sport. Sono praticamente cresciuto su una pista inseguendo il mio sogno.

Dal momento in cui ho guidato per la prima volta una moto all’età di 3 fino ad ora, a quasi 30 anni, mi sono divertito molto. In cambio, questo sport mi ha dato l’opportunità di essere il migliore e lavorare con il meglio. La mia carriera agonistica mi ha portato così tante fantastiche opportunità, molte grandi gare in competizione con i migliori atleti dello sport, i fan fantastici e molti amici per tutta la vita. Mia moglie, Brittney e io siamo stati fortunati a condividere la mia carriera con i nostri due figli, Dane e Bryn. Non posso non iniziare a esprimere la mia sincera gratitudine a tanti individui e sponsor che mi sono stati accanto durante tutta la mia carriera. Li ringrazio e sono molto riconoscente per tutto quello che avete fatto per la mia famiglia e me.

I fan del Supercross e Motocross sono i migliori fan al mondo. Vi ringrazio tanto per essere stati lì per me e per tutto quello che mi avete dato attraverso il vostro incoraggiamento e amore. Guardando indietro alle mie vittorie e perdite, alla lunga lista di infortuni, di interventi chirurgici e tutti gli alti e bassi che ho vissuto, non cambierei nulla.

Non ho intenzione di mentire, mi mancherà. Questo sport è stato così buono con me, e sono fortunato che posso andare via in attesa del futuro con la mia famiglia. Sono stato così fortunato ad aver avuto questa esperienza da atleta professionista, e mi prenderò cura di ogni singolo momento. Apprezzo davvero tutto il supporto nel corso degli anni. Grazie a tutti!”

Davi Millsaps Announces Retirement

After 14 years as a professional Supercross and Motocross racer, today, I announce my retirement from racing. Obviously, this was not an easy decision for me to make. Before the crash that I sustained back in October, I felt great while on the bike, and I was looking forward to an awesome 2018 season with my team, Monster Energy/Knich/Yamaha Factory Racing. Everything was falling perfectly into place: my training, my fitness, and the bike. I had high expectations for the 2018 Supercross season. Then, the unexpected happened and life changed so fast. I was sent to the ICU with a major concussion, bleeding in and around my brain, and a shattered elbow, along with being bruised and banged up pretty much all over. After months of recovery and consulting with my neurologist and family, we came to the difficult decision that it was time for me to retire from racing.

I say this with great sadness, and this is definitely not how I wanted to end my career. But health is a priority. When the doctor told me that he couldn’t release me due to the risk that another impact on my head could be life-altering, not to mention life-threatening, it was pretty tough news for me to swallow. The reality of retirement was very hard to face. It brings out a bag of so many mixed emotions. It saddens me greatly to have to go out like this. I have given so much of my life to this sport. I basically grew up on a track chasing my dream.

 From the time I first rode a bike at the age of 3 till now, at almost age 30, I’ve had a blast. In return, this sport gave me an opportunity to be the best and work with the best. My racing career has brought me so many amazing opportunities, many great races competing against the sport’s finest athletes, amazing fans, and many lifelong friends. My wife, Brittney and I were fortunate to have been able to share my career with our two kids, Dane and Bryn. I cannot begin to express my sincere gratitude to so many individuals and sponsors who have stood by me throughout my entire career. I thank you, and I am very appreciative for all you have done for my family and me.

Supercross and Motocross fans are the best fans in the world. I thank you so much for being there for me and for all you have given me through your encouragement and love. Looking back at my wins and losses, long list of injuries, surgeries, and all of the highs and lows I’ve experienced, I wouldn’t change a thing.

I’m not going to lie, I will miss it. This sport has been so good to me, and I’m fortunate that I can walk away looking forward to the future with my family. I’ve been so lucky to have had this experience as a pro athlete, and I will cherish each and every moment of it. I truly appreciate all the support over the years. Thank you, everyone!


Part 1 After 14 years as a professional Supercross and Motocross racer, today, I announce my retirement from racing. Obviously, this was not an easy decision for me to make. Before the crash that I sustained back in October, I felt great while on the bike, and I was looking forward to an awesome 2018 season with my team, Monster Energy/Knich/Yamaha Factory Racing. Everything was falling perfectly into place: my training, my fitness, and the bike. I had high expectations for the 2018 Supercross season. Then, the unexpected happened and life changed so fast. I was sent to the ICU with a major concussion, bleeding in and around my brain, and a shattered elbow, along with being bruised and banged up pretty much all over. After months of recovery and consulting with my neurologist and family, we came to the difficult decision that it was time for me to retire from racing. I say this with great sadness, and this is definitely not how I wanted to end my career. But health is a priority. When the doctor told me that he couldn’t release me due to the risk that another impact on my head could be life-altering, not to mention life-threatening, it was pretty tough news for me to swallow. The reality of retirement was very hard to face. It brings out a bag of so many mixed emotions. It saddens me greatly to have to go out like this. I have given so much of my life to this sport. I basically grew up on a track chasing my dream.

Un post condiviso da Davi Millsaps #18 (@davimillsaps) in data:


Part 1 After 14 years as a professional Supercross and Motocross racer, today, I announce my retirement from racing. Obviously, this was not an easy decision for me to make. Before the crash that I sustained back in October, I felt great while on the bike, and I was looking forward to an awesome 2018 season with my team, Monster Energy/Knich/Yamaha Factory Racing. Everything was falling perfectly into place: my training, my fitness, and the bike. I had high expectations for the 2018 Supercross season. Then, the unexpected happened and life changed so fast. I was sent to the ICU with a major concussion, bleeding in and around my brain, and a shattered elbow, along with being bruised and banged up pretty much all over. After months of recovery and consulting with my neurologist and family, we came to the difficult decision that it was time for me to retire from racing. I say this with great sadness, and this is definitely not how I wanted to end my career. But health is a priority. When the doctor told me that he couldn’t release me due to the risk that another impact on my head could be life-altering, not to mention life-threatening, it was pretty tough news for me to swallow. The reality of retirement was very hard to face. It brings out a bag of so many mixed emotions. It saddens me greatly to have to go out like this. I have given so much of my life to this sport. I basically grew up on a track chasing my dream.

Un post condiviso da Davi Millsaps #18 (@davimillsaps) in data:

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